Açaí is a fruit from the Amazon Rainforest that captivated the world with its flavor and nutritional potential. Extracted from the bunches of Euterpe Oleracea, a native species of palm tree, açaí brings its delicious citrus and fruity notes to the Mazô Maná formula.
Attalea speciosa
É uma palmeira muito abundante na floresta, sendo essencial para a vida das comunidades amazônicas devido aos usos variados, que vão da culinária à confecção de artesanatos e cobertura de casas com as palhas.. É utilizado em diversas receitas, festivais tradicionais e, além de ser fonte de uma série de nutrientes, também é estudado como alternativa para energia limpa.
A farinha de babaçu é rica em compostos polifenólicos, sendo muito utilizada para o tratamento de inflamações nas terapias populares, tendo papel imunomodulador. Sua composição também apresenta taninos, substâncias antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, além de valores consideráveis de fibras, cálcio, magnésio, fósforo, ferro, zinco, vitamina D.
Cocoa is a true tropical treasure, coveted for centuries for its nutritional properties and as a symbol of wealth and indulgence. Its seeds, harvested and handled with care, are used in recipes of the most diverse shades in search of unparalleled sensory experiences.
Also known as taperebá, cajá is a golden-colored fruit that houses a juicy pulp with citrus and sweet flavors. Harvested on the banks of streams, Mazô Maná cajá comes to you delivering all the intensity that the forest is capable of offering.
Originating from the banks of Amazon rivers, camu camu is a reddish fruit with a unique ability to nourish and revitalize. A true celebration of the diversity coming from the Amazon Rainforest hand-picked to compose the Mazô Maná formula.
The chestnut and its tree are, without a doubt, the greatest symbol of the vigor of the Amazon Forest. Consumed around the world for its almond flavor and creamy texture, the chestnut is also a cultural heritage of the original and traditional forest people who have cultivated their immense chestnut groves for millennia.
With varied shapes, colors and dimensions, Amazonian mushrooms are discreet, but abundant in the shade and humidity provided by the tropical forest. Its wonderful properties are a source of fascination for scientists and functional health enthusiasts.
Cumaru is a seed from the Dipteryx odorata tree that emanates an intriguing aroma. Its original culinary and medicinal uses have elevated cumaru to the level of a spice coveted by chefs around the world in search of a connection with the Amazon Rainforest and its flavors.
Almost like a gift from nature in the form of a fruit, the cupuaçu stands very close to the ground in the middle of the forest. Its rough shell houses meat with a mild aroma and creamy texture that carries the purest essence of the Amazon Rainforest in each piece.
Soursop is a fruit with an intriguing appearance and enormous nutritional potential that enchants both for its taste and its superlative size. Its prickly skin hides a soft and juicy fruit with multiple citrus nuances.
When the dry season arrives, the murici bushes are ready to harvest their fruit. Present throughout the Amazon region, murici delivers an exotic flavor that is unparalleled in other species in the biome.
Recognized for its aroma and vibrant yellow color, the cumari pepper is an invitation to discover yet another surprising flavor from the Amazon Rainforest. This delicacy is used in several recipes for sauces, jellies and, mainly, to season the delicious tucupi.
The fruit of the peach palm, a palm tree native to the humid tropics of the Amazon, grows in leafy bunches of varying shapes and colors. Originally consumed fresh, this delicacy is also used in the preparation of cakes, cookies and other foods with high nutritional power.
A sensorial experience through diverse Amazonian flavors.